• Kainos derinamos
  • 50 svečių
  • Maitinimas įskaičiuotas


Skelbimas atnaujintas: 2024-11-05

Pačioje Palangos širdyje, to paties pavadinimo 5* viešbutyje veikiantis restoranas „Amsterdam Plaza“ - tai vieta, ieškantiems išskirtinio interjero ir puikaus maisto derinio. Restorano ideologija – gurmaniški patiekalai ir aukščiausia aptarnavimo kokybė. Restorano meniu – europietiškos virtuvės atspindys. Burnoje tirpstantys restorano meistrų sukurti desertai, gardi kava, platus ypatingų vynų pasirinkimas – tai dar kelios priežastys čia švęsti ypatingas progas.
  • Kainos derinamos
  • 50 svečių
  • Maitinimas įskaičiuotas

Nuoma kartu su furšetiniu maitinimu

50 €

Užkandžiai, karštas patiekalas, desertas. Maisto kaina asmeniui nuo 50 Eur.

Kaina vienam asmeniui: 50,00 €

Minimalus biudžetas: 500,00 €


Pasirinkite papildomas paslaugas

100 €

Renginio vieta gali apgyvendinti 70 asm.. Apgyvendinimo kaina nurodyta vienam asmeniui nakčiai.

300 €

Restoranas sudaro kelios erdvės, norint uždaryti restoraną šventei, taikomas nuomos mokestis nuo 300 Eur. Galutinė kaina derinama individualiai, priklausomai nuo sezono.

Minimalus kiekis: 1

Tortai ir (arba) desertai
35 €

Pasirinkti pyragaičiai ir (arba) desertas. Kaina nurodyta už 1 kilogramą.

Minimalus kiekis: 5

Degustacinis meniu
70 €

Maisto degustacija prieš renginį. Kaina nurodyta 1 asmeniui.

Šventės vietos nuomos viršvalandžiai
100 €

Kaina nurodyta už 1 valandą.

Viršvalandžiai skaičiuojami nuo: 00:00


Paslaugos teikimo vieta

Vytauto gatvė 79, Palanga, Klaipėdos apskr.Kaip man ten patekti?

Kita informacija

  • Bendra informacija
  • Profesionalios paslaugos teikiamos nuo 2022 m.
  • Kalbos:
    • Anglų
    • Italų
    • Rusų
    • Lietuvių
  • Infrastruktūra
  • Restoranas renginio erdvė
    • 150 kvadratinių metrų
    • Banketui telpa 50 asm.
    • Furšetui telpa 70 asm.
    • Jo negalima rezervuoti atskiram renginiui
  • Nakvindina 70 asm.
  • Apsaugai nuo lietaus reikalinga renginio palapinė kieme
  • Nėra atskiros vietos vestuvių ceremonijai
  • Kėdžių ir stalų užtenka maksimaliai žmonių talpai
  • Inventorius
  • Stalai
  • Kėdės
  • Baras
  • Staltiesės
  • Servetėlės
  • Stalo reikmenys
  • Maistas ir gėrimai
  • Mūsų virtuvė:
    • Europietiška
  • Neleidžiama atsivežti kitų maitinimo teikėjų
  • Jūs negalite atsinešti savo gėrimų
  • Kita
  • Į kainą įskaičiuotos paslaugos:
    • Nemokamas belaidis internetas
    • nemokama automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
  • Šventės vieta turi:
    • Aptarnaujantį personalą
    • Valymo paslaugas renginio metu
  • Į kainą įskaičiuotos vaikų pramogos ir įranga:
    • Vaiko kėdutė


Vienvietis kambarysKambariai: 2
Dvivietis kambarysKambariai: 13
Trivietis kambarysKambariai: 14

Leidimai ir draudimai

  • Laikas, nuo kada galite pradėti ruoštis šventei, yra derinamas individualiai
  • Laikas, iki kelintos valandos reikia demontuoti įrangą, yra derinamas individualiai
  • 15:00 registracija nakvynei
  • 22:00 garso apribojimų viduje pradžia
  • 22:00 garso apribojimų lauke pradžia
  • Jokių fejerverkų
  • Negalima leisti dūmų pasirodymų metu
  • Negalima šaudyti konfeti
  • Negalima deginti aukuro


Avanso dydis mokamas paslaugų užsakymo metu
14 d.
Likusi kainos dalis sumokama iki šventės dienos
Galimos derybos dėl kainos
Paslaugų užsakymui naudojamos Breezit taisyklės
Paslaugos ir jų kainodara yra vienoda visiems švenčių tipams
Mokėjimo būdai:
Grynieji pinigai
Bankiniai pavedimai
Mokėjimo kortelė

Rezervacijų atšaukimo politika

Nemokamas rezervacijos atšaukimas netaikomas
Renginio datos keitimas leidžiamas atsižvelgiant į paslaugos prieinamumą.


4.5 · 208 atsiliepimų
Jaanika Merilo rugp. 27, 2023
It truly has very good breakfasts and just loved the poached eggs. The English breakfast was good but not wow. The service was really nice despite me complicating it with special wishes for coffee (extra strong and no lactose).
Jaanika Merilo rugp. 27, 2023
It truly has very good breakfasts and just loved the poached eggs. The English breakfast was good but not wow. The service was really nice despite me complicating it with special wishes for coffee (extra strong and no lactose).
benoit marmillod (Benukas) liep. 4, 2023
I went there for breakfast and I have really mixed feelings. The service was good and professional. The restaurant looks pretty new and the atmosphere is great. Some jazzy music and different paintings on the walls. As for the food the Egg Benedict was good but English breakfast looked really (really) cheap. It is what you could expect from a canteen, not from 5 star hotel. It was overall dry. Beans were missing some sauce, eggs were over cooked. Tomato were cooked in a strange way, leaving the skin dry and un-eatable. Price for breakfast are really decent, between 8 to 10 euros but for a 5 star hotel I would expect way more.
benoit marmillod (Benukas) liep. 4, 2023
I went there for breakfast and I have really mixed feelings. The service was good and professional. The restaurant looks pretty new and the atmosphere is great. Some jazzy music and different paintings on the walls. As for the food the Egg Benedict was good but English breakfast looked really (really) cheap. It is what you could expect from a canteen, not from 5 star hotel. It was overall dry. Beans were missing some sauce, eggs were over cooked. Tomato were cooked in a strange way, leaving the skin dry and un-eatable. Price for breakfast are really decent, between 8 to 10 euros but for a 5 star hotel I would expect way more.
Laura Cotterill liep. 2, 2023
After some brief research I booked in at the Amsterdam Plaza for a Spa ritual treatment and a mini facial. Let me start by saying how INCREDIBLE my treatment was. I honestly felt like I had been touched by an angel. My therapist was just amazing and her customer service, professionalism, etiquette and skill was impeccable. Booking in was quick an efficient via Facebook message and the time was confirmed promptly. Upon arrival I was greeted by a friendly receptionist and taken through to meet my therapist. Important - I do not speak Lithuanian and my therapist did not speak fluent English, but this did not stop her being excellent at communicating the process and what would happen. She made me feel relaxed and at ease. The service from start to finish was 5 star. My mini facial was relaxing and all of the products smelt incredible. Face felt glowing and radiant afterwards. I also opted for the detox body ritual and had deep exfoliation (which was magnificent, I felt like every layer of dead skin was peeled off), bathed in a hot shower, then covered in hot oil and massaged head to toe, followed by a body butter cocoon wrap and then had the most wonderful face massage. My therapist was highly skilled and hands down the best service and beauty treatment I have EVER had. I have never found a therapist in the UK who has been engaged, skilled and gone above and beyond like the service I received in the way I did at the Amsterdam Plaza. The treatment and service received confirmed I won't waste my time trying to find a decent massage in the UK as no one will be able to match the experience. I did not get the therapists name, so I hope you or your employer reads this and let's you know my feedback. You were outstanding and I thank you! I did return to the reception to leave a tip as I had no cash on me and really hope this was passed on to you as you deserved it. 5 star service. 5 star product, 5 star experience and 5 star luxury!
Laura Cotterill liep. 2, 2023
After some brief research I booked in at the Amsterdam Plaza for a Spa ritual treatment and a mini facial. Let me start by saying how INCREDIBLE my treatment was. I honestly felt like I had been touched by an angel. My therapist was just amazing and her customer service, professionalism, etiquette and skill was impeccable. Booking in was quick an efficient via Facebook message and the time was confirmed promptly. Upon arrival I was greeted by a friendly receptionist and taken through to meet my therapist. Important - I do not speak Lithuanian and my therapist did not speak fluent English, but this did not stop her being excellent at communicating the process and what would happen. She made me feel relaxed and at ease. The service from start to finish was 5 star. My mini facial was relaxing and all of the products smelt incredible. Face felt glowing and radiant afterwards. I also opted for the detox body ritual and had deep exfoliation (which was magnificent, I felt like every layer of dead skin was peeled off), bathed in a hot shower, then covered in hot oil and massaged head to toe, followed by a body butter cocoon wrap and then had the most wonderful face massage. My therapist was highly skilled and hands down the best service and beauty treatment I have EVER had. I have never found a therapist in the UK who has been engaged, skilled and gone above and beyond like the service I received in the way I did at the Amsterdam Plaza. The treatment and service received confirmed I won't waste my time trying to find a decent massage in the UK as no one will be able to match the experience. I did not get the therapists name, so I hope you or your employer reads this and let's you know my feedback. You were outstanding and I thank you! I did return to the reception to leave a tip as I had no cash on me and really hope this was passed on to you as you deserved it. 5 star service. 5 star product, 5 star experience and 5 star luxury!
Stuart McIntosh liep. 15, 2023
Amazing quality hotel. Very local to the shops and an amazing beach... Highly recommended.... Breakfast was great too.... 😇
Stuart McIntosh liep. 15, 2023
Amazing quality hotel. Very local to the shops and an amazing beach... Highly recommended.... Breakfast was great too.... 😇
Andrius Kairiukstis liep. 21, 2023
Only had a breakfast here. And it’s good! Recommended!
Andrius Kairiukstis liep. 21, 2023
Only had a breakfast here. And it’s good! Recommended!
Rašyk šventės vietai
Pasirinkta data
Pasirinktos paslaugos:
500,00 €
Preliminari kaina:
500,00 €
Preliminarus avansas:
250,00 €
Breezit mokestis:
0,00 €
Jūs nebūsite apmokestinti.Paslaugos teikėjas atsakys per 24 valandas.
Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai
> Šventės vietos > > Klaipėda > Amsterdam plaza restoranas
  • 500 €Prel. kaina
  • Įsiminti