• Kainos derinamos
  • 350 svečių
  • Maitinimas įskaičiuotas
  • Galimas Jūsų maitinimas
  • Gyvūnai leidžiami


Skelbimas atnaujintas: 2025-01-09

  • Kainos derinamos
  • 350 svečių
  • Maitinimas įskaičiuotas
  • Galimas Jūsų maitinimas
  • Gyvūnai leidžiami

Tik šventės vietos nuoma

Restorano nuoma
1 000 €

Restorano nuomos kaina skiriasi priklausomai nuo sezono ir svyruoja nuo 1000 iki 5000 eur

Šiai paslaugai taikomas fiksuotas mokestis

Taikomas 21% PVM


Nuoma kartu su banketiniu maitinimu

Dienos meniu
35 €

Pasirinkimas iš pagrindinio restorano meniu

Kaina vienam asmeniui: 35,00 €

Minimalus biudžetas: 500,00 €

Taikomas 21% PVM

Banketinis meniu
50 €

Asmeniškai derinamas benaktinis meniu

Kaina vienam asmeniui: 50,00 €

Minimalus biudžetas: 500,00 €

Taikomas 21% PVM

Vaikiškas meniu
25 €

vaikų mėgstamiausi patiekalai, galima derinti asmeniškai

Šiai paslaugai taikomas fiksuotas mokestis

Taikomas 21% PVM


Pasirinkite papildomas paslaugas

Tortai ir (arba) desertai
35 €

Pasirinkti pyragaičiai ir (arba) desertas. Kaina nurodyta už 1 kilogramą.

Minimalus kiekis: 3

Taikomas 21% PVM

Šventės vietos nuomos viršvalandžiai
90 €

Kaina nurodyta už 1 valandą.

Viršvalandžiai skaičiuojami nuo: 00:00

Taikomas 21% PVM


Paslaugos teikimo vieta

Meilės alėja 38, Palanga, Palangos m. sav., Klaipėdos apskr.Kaip man ten patekti?

Kita informacija

  • Bendra informacija
  • Profesionalios paslaugos teikiamos nuo 2019 m.
  • Kalbos:
    • Anglų
    • Rusų
    • Lietuvių
  • Infrastruktūra
  • Lauko terasa renginio erdvė
    • 100 kvadratinių metrų
    • Banketui telpa 80 asm.
    • Furšetui telpa 100 asm.
    • Jo negalima rezervuoti atskiram renginiui
  • Yra atskira vieta vestuvių ceremonijai
  • Kėdžių ir stalų užtenka maksimaliai žmonių talpai
  • Inventorius
  • Stalai
  • Kėdės
  • Baras
  • Servetėlės
  • Stalo reikmenys
  • Garso įranga
  • Apšvietimo įranga
  • Projektorius
  • Maistas ir gėrimai
  • Mūsų virtuvė:
    • Europietiška
  • Už papildomą mokestį galite atsivežti kitą maitinimo paslaugų teikėją
  • Jūs negalite atsinešti savo gėrimų
  • Kita
  • Į kainą įskaičiuotos paslaugos:
    • Nemokamas belaidis internetas
    • nemokama automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
    • Parking space limited
  • Šventės vieta turi:
    • Aptarnaujantį personalą
  • Į kainą įskaičiuotos vaikų pramogos ir įranga:
    • Vaiko kėdutė
    • Vaikų žaidimų aikštelė

Leidimai ir draudimai

  • 09:00 pasiruošimo pradžia
  • Laikas, iki kelintos valandos reikia demontuoti įrangą, yra derinamas individualiai
  • Viduje nėra jokių garso apribojimų
  • 00:00 garso apribojimų lauke pradžia
  • Gyvūnai leidžiami


Avanso dydis mokamas paslaugų užsakymo metu
1 d.
Likusi kainos dalis sumokama po šventės
Galimos derybos dėl kainos
Paslaugų užsakymui naudojama paslaugos teikėjo sutartis
Paslaugos ir jų kainodara yra vienoda visiems švenčių tipams
Mokėjimo būdai:
Grynieji pinigai
Bankiniai pavedimai
Mokėjimo kortelė

Rezervacijų atšaukimo politika

Atšaukti prieš įvykį:
30 d.
50% grąžinama suma
Renginio datos keitimas leidžiamas atsižvelgiant į paslaugos prieinamumą.


4.4 · 804 atsiliepimų
Viktorija Žepnickaitė liep. 21, 2024
It's Ok. Food in big portions but nothing special. A lot of sitting places, but not very stylish. Kids zone in the middle of the main terrace.
Viktorija Žepnickaitė liep. 21, 2024
It's Ok. Food in big portions but nothing special. A lot of sitting places, but not very stylish. Kids zone in the middle of the main terrace.
MissUnique Lond rugs. 3, 2023
First of all I would like to say that the food in this place is nice, 3 stars are just an overal view off all things combined. Once arrived we were greeted by a new member of staff, witch is why Is ok she did not yet know daily soup or some other things (although the supervisor or the kitchen here is to make sure that all members off staff know simple things like daily menu etc. ) but thats ok, no big deal. The restaurant wasnt busy but we did not mind to wait for our food anyway so it was all not bad timing. We ordered eggs benedicts, daily soup, and meatballs. I must say the portions were really nice size, the food was tasty , although I was missing some flavors or salt in my dishes. But regardless I was going to rate food 5 stars for the price and location, the salt can be added, not a problem. However what really lowered the score is lack of care in general. Tables were dirty, the benches for sitting was super dusty had some crust on it too, tissues were not filled up in holders, cutlery was not polished. We polished it with the tissues from another table. And lastly childrens toilet was terrible. I mean the changing mat was soooo dirty it put me off completelly. I could not change my baby there. Underneath of changing mat and the sides of the mat was not cleaned for a super long time, and I am not being horrible or anything but I regreted I went to toilet lastly because the way how it looks it shows that nobody cares or wants our money. And its a real shame, a good restaurant is not only good food is the overal experience. Food was great I can say again, but the rest....
MissUnique Lond rugs. 3, 2023
First of all I would like to say that the food in this place is nice, 3 stars are just an overal view off all things combined. Once arrived we were greeted by a new member of staff, witch is why Is ok she did not yet know daily soup or some other things (although the supervisor or the kitchen here is to make sure that all members off staff know simple things like daily menu etc. ) but thats ok, no big deal. The restaurant wasnt busy but we did not mind to wait for our food anyway so it was all not bad timing. We ordered eggs benedicts, daily soup, and meatballs. I must say the portions were really nice size, the food was tasty , although I was missing some flavors or salt in my dishes. But regardless I was going to rate food 5 stars for the price and location, the salt can be added, not a problem. However what really lowered the score is lack of care in general. Tables were dirty, the benches for sitting was super dusty had some crust on it too, tissues were not filled up in holders, cutlery was not polished. We polished it with the tissues from another table. And lastly childrens toilet was terrible. I mean the changing mat was soooo dirty it put me off completelly. I could not change my baby there. Underneath of changing mat and the sides of the mat was not cleaned for a super long time, and I am not being horrible or anything but I regreted I went to toilet lastly because the way how it looks it shows that nobody cares or wants our money. And its a real shame, a good restaurant is not only good food is the overal experience. Food was great I can say again, but the rest....
Jolanta Kaun rugs. 22, 2022
Nice dinner! Great live music! It was still warm to eat outside. Restaurant had blankets, heaters to keep guests warm. Parking is a bit of a promlem. It is in a 20 min walking distance and paid all over Palanga.
Jolanta Kaun rugs. 22, 2022
Nice dinner! Great live music! It was still warm to eat outside. Restaurant had blankets, heaters to keep guests warm. Parking is a bit of a promlem. It is in a 20 min walking distance and paid all over Palanga.
Remis Van liep. 19, 2020
Vaidilutė - Tasty food and helpful service. Children friendly.
Remis Van liep. 19, 2020
Vaidilutė - Tasty food and helpful service. Children friendly.
Simas Budrys liep. 31, 2022
Excellent service, nice cup of coffee, and pretty decent pizzas. The outdoor seating area is cozy with ample of string lighting and not too many tables. One thing that always sets the tone right was good music selection here, unlike many other places in Palanga that keeps playing annoying EDM hits day and night. Staff was very friendly and attentive. Worth a stop for a bite or coffee if you’re in the area.
Simas Budrys liep. 31, 2022
Excellent service, nice cup of coffee, and pretty decent pizzas. The outdoor seating area is cozy with ample of string lighting and not too many tables. One thing that always sets the tone right was good music selection here, unlike many other places in Palanga that keeps playing annoying EDM hits day and night. Staff was very friendly and attentive. Worth a stop for a bite or coffee if you’re in the area.
Rašyk šventės vietai
Pasirinkta data
Pasirinktos paslaugos:
Restorano nuoma
1 000,00 €
Preliminari kaina:
1 210,00 €
Paslaugų kaina
1 000,00 €
210,00 €
Preliminarus avansas:
242,00 €
Breezit mokestis:
0,00 €
Jūs nebūsite apmokestinti.Paslaugos teikėjas atsakys per 24 valandas.
Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai
> Šventės vietos > > Klaipėda > Vaidilutė Muzikos klubas
  • 1 210 €Prel. kaina
  • Įsiminti