• 80 svečių
  • Maitinimas įskaičiuotas


Skelbimas atnaujintas: 2024-09-04

Esė hotel Tai kitoks SPA viešbutis. Sukurtas Millenium - tūkstantmečio kartai ir visiems, kas pasaulį mato įdomiai ir janatviškai. Išskirtinio ir netikėto interjero viešbutis. 40 kambarių, malonus SPa, baseinai ir pirtys, gastrobaras, renginiai ir laiko leidimas kitaip.
  • 80 svečių
  • Maitinimas įskaičiuotas

Nuoma kartu su banketiniu maitinimu

45 €

Pastikimo užkandžiai, starteris, pagrindinis patiekalas, desertas. Kaina asmeniui nuo 45 Eur.

Kaina vienam asmeniui: 45,00 €

Minimalus biudžetas: 2 500,00 €

Šventės vietos nuomos mokestis 7 500,00 €


Pasirinkite papildomas paslaugas

106 €

Renginio vietoje gali apsistoti 80 asmenys. Apgyvendinimo kaina nurodyta už dvivietį kambarį nakčiai.

Šventės vietos nuomos viršvalandžiai
150 €

Kaina nurodyta už 1 valandą.

Viršvalandžiai skaičiuojami nuo: 23:00


Paslaugos teikimo vieta

Algirdo gatvė 34, Birštono sav., Kauno apskr.Kaip man ten patekti?

Kita informacija

  • Bendra informacija
  • Profesionalios paslaugos teikiamos nuo 2022 m.
  • Kalbos:
    • Lietuvių
  • Infrastruktūra
  • Furšetui telpa 80 asm.
  • Banketui telpa 70 asm.
  • Nakvindina 80 asm.
  • Nėra atskiros vietos vestuvių ceremonijai
  • Kėdžių ir stalų užtenka maksimaliai žmonių talpai
  • Inventorius
  • Stalai
  • Kėdės
  • Baras
  • Stalo reikmenys
  • Projektorius
  • Maistas ir gėrimai
  • Mūsų virtuvė:
    • Europietiška
  • Neleidžiama atsivežti kitų maitinimo teikėjų
  • Jūs negalite atsinešti savo gėrimų


Dvivietis kambarysKambariai: 19
Trivietis kambarysKambariai: 12
Keturių lovų kambarysKambariai: 1

Leidimai ir draudimai

  • Laikas, nuo kada galite pradėti ruoštis šventei, yra derinamas individualiai
  • Laikas, iki kelintos valandos reikia demontuoti įrangą, yra derinamas individualiai
  • Laikas, nuo kada svečiai gali apsigyventi kambariuose, yra derinamas individualiai
  • Viduje nėra jokių garso apribojimų
  • Lauke nėra jokių garso apribojimų


Avanso dydis mokamas paslaugų užsakymo metu
Likusi kainos dalis sumokama šventės dieną
Paslaugų užsakymui naudojama paslaugos teikėjo sutartis
Paslaugos apimtis ir kainodara gali skirtis atsižvelgiant į renginio tipą
Mokėjimo būdai:
Grynieji pinigai
Bankiniai pavedimai

Rezervacijų atšaukimo politika

Nemokamas rezervacijos atšaukimas netaikomas
Keisti renginio datą neleidžiama. Pakeitus datą reikės atšaukti turimą rezervaciją.


4.4 · 367 atsiliepimų
Ineta Kudakaite liep. 13, 2023
The location is very nice as it is surrounded by forest. We had lunch at their gastrobar and overall we liked it. However we could not try the signature dish (ribs) as they were not having it that day. Also our second choice, ramen, was not available and we had to take a reduced portion of sausages as they were not having enough...however what we loved was their baked black bread!!! It was the best thing!
Ineta Kudakaite liep. 13, 2023
The location is very nice as it is surrounded by forest. We had lunch at their gastrobar and overall we liked it. However we could not try the signature dish (ribs) as they were not having it that day. Also our second choice, ramen, was not available and we had to take a reduced portion of sausages as they were not having enough...however what we loved was their baked black bread!!! It was the best thing!
Pedro Heitor rugp. 11, 2023
Great location, good service and modern hotel. The restaurant was not that good, maybe the other reviews made my expectations be quite high and although not bad it was quite mediocre unfortunately. I tried the restaurant twice once in 2022 and another this year 2023 and the food was still nothing special. The service is friendly and the outside area is great so perfect for a couple of drinks. You can expect to be in a great location and in a family friendly hotel, so a great choice for families with young kids.
Pedro Heitor rugp. 11, 2023
Great location, good service and modern hotel. The restaurant was not that good, maybe the other reviews made my expectations be quite high and although not bad it was quite mediocre unfortunately. I tried the restaurant twice once in 2022 and another this year 2023 and the food was still nothing special. The service is friendly and the outside area is great so perfect for a couple of drinks. You can expect to be in a great location and in a family friendly hotel, so a great choice for families with young kids.
Karolis Šarapnickis rugp. 12, 2023
Small but adequate rooms, though we had some weird smells at the bathroom at first. Very small pool area with a time limit for the stay per day. Though no one monitors that so you see people that are obviously squatting the area for quite some time which is a bit annoying. Good food but very slow service, in dinner time at least.
Karolis Šarapnickis rugp. 12, 2023
Small but adequate rooms, though we had some weird smells at the bathroom at first. Very small pool area with a time limit for the stay per day. Though no one monitors that so you see people that are obviously squatting the area for quite some time which is a bit annoying. Good food but very slow service, in dinner time at least.
Greta Černulytė birž. 12, 2023
Understanding and pleasant service. A really modern atmosphere, the room is very modernly furnished with a wonderful view of the pine forest. We were very surprised that everything met our needs for the price. A friend is happy with beer prices, I am happy with a cocktail. I recommend a very good tuna tartare. I didn't really like the meat of the pork burger, there was a lot of cartilage, which shouldn't be in pulled pork. Small breakfast meniu, I expected buffet, but I think every day breakfast meniu is changing so you have variety. All in all it was perfect visit!
Greta Černulytė birž. 12, 2023
Understanding and pleasant service. A really modern atmosphere, the room is very modernly furnished with a wonderful view of the pine forest. We were very surprised that everything met our needs for the price. A friend is happy with beer prices, I am happy with a cocktail. I recommend a very good tuna tartare. I didn't really like the meat of the pork burger, there was a lot of cartilage, which shouldn't be in pulled pork. Small breakfast meniu, I expected buffet, but I think every day breakfast meniu is changing so you have variety. All in all it was perfect visit!
Telefas Tel birž. 25, 2023
No slippers and no water in the room, had to go to reception and buy everything. Also we got a very small room with kid. SPA is nice, because they don’t let many people go in SPA in same time. I give 3/5 STARS
Telefas Tel birž. 25, 2023
No slippers and no water in the room, had to go to reception and buy everything. Also we got a very small room with kid. SPA is nice, because they don’t let many people go in SPA in same time. I give 3/5 STARS
Rašyk šventės vietai
Pasirinkta data
Pasirinktos paslaugos:
Vietos nuoma
7 500,00 €
2 500,00 €
Preliminari kaina:
10 000,00 €
Preliminarus avansas:
3 000,00 €
Breezit mokestis:
0,00 €
Jūs nebūsite apmokestinti.Paslaugos teikėjas atsakys per 24 valandas.
Dažniausiai užduodami klausimai
> Šventės vietos > > Kaunas > ESĖ Hotel SPA & GastroBar
  • 10 000 €Prel. kaina
  • Įsiminti